Countdown to The Early Years Childcare Conference - Roots of Resilience: Nurturing Strong Foundations
Alpha Global Childcare Conference

THEME: Roots of ResilienceNurturing Strong Foundations

This conference will explore innovative strategies and practical approaches to cultivate resilience in young learners, ensuring they develop into confident, capable, and adaptable individuals.

Why attend?

  • Deepen your understanding of the critical role early years play in fostering resilience in children.
  • Discover research-backed strategies to cultivate social-emotional well-being, cognitive development of children.
  • Network and collaborate with passionate educators, leaders, and experts in the field.
  • Gain practical tools and resources to elevate your early-years program.
  • Be inspired by renowned speakers and workshops tailored to your specific role.

Our Upcoming



Roots of Resilience: Nurturing Strong Foundations
Saturday, July 13th, 2024

Conference Details


About Alpha Global

Alpha Global is a leading childcare solution provider with headquarters in the UK.

We have been providing childcare for the past 16 years to over 500 children every week. Our extensive experience makes us the perfect partner for parents, carers and educators in the community.

We are committed to meeting the needs of children between the ages of 3 months to 5 years by supporting their personal development in conducive environments.



At Alpha Global, our mission is to educate, enable, encourage, and empower parents, educators, and childcare practitioners.

We aim to impart practical skills and insights to nurture wholesome children into successful young adults, capable of positively impacting an ever-changing world.



Our vision is to emerge as a premier global childcare provider, extending the excellence witnessed across Alpha Childcare centers in the UK to our international franchisee centers, taking into account cultural differences, and each child assessed on individual basis. Our proven model ensures success.
